Madame Nobel

Madame Nobel
Urs Egger
Austria, Czech Republic, Germany
Drama, History, Fiction, Tv Movie
Rainer Berg
Birgit Minichmayr, Sebastian Koch, Philipp Hochmair
Mona Film. A co-production with: Tivoli Film Produktion GmbH and WILMA FILM SRO.


Based on the stage play "Mr. & Mrs. Nobel" by Esther Vilar.

"Madame Nobel" tells the story of a real-life relationship virtually ignored by official history: the deep emotional attachment between the great innovator and armaments manufacturer Alfred Nobel (the inventor of dynamite) and the radical pacifist author Bertha von Suttner ("Lay Down Your Arms"). After their initial brief encounter in Paris and Bertha's subsequent marriage to Arthur von Suttner, the lifelines of both protagonists often took extremely different paths. Despite the constant impediments confronting their relationship, Alfred Nobel and Bertha von Suttner remained intimately connected until the end of their lives. Their intellectual examination and analysis of the issues of war and peace culminated in the founding of the internationally respected Nobel Peace Prize.Mona Film is producing the dramatic film "Madame Nobel" as the Austrian contribution to the centenary of the outbreak of World War I (1914-18) as well as in commemoration of one of the most important women in European history, Bertha von Suttner, who in the last years of her life was honored as the first female Nobel Laureate. "Madame Nobel" is a cinematic monument of European dimension to the great Austrian author and pacifist. Bertha von Suttner's work and activities aroused great international attention, the influence of which can still be felt today. And due to the never-ending relevance of this movie and its themes, "Madame Nobel" is sure to generate continual interest in the future ahead. The impact and effect of the movie is therefore guaranteed for years to come.