Cum mi-am petrecut sfârsitul lumii

The way I spend the end of the world
Catalin Mitulescu
France, Romania
Andreea Valean / Catalin Mitulescu
Dorotheea Petre / Timotei Duma / Marius Stan / Marian Stoica / Ionut Becheru
Strada Film


Bucharest 1989 - Last year of Ceausescu’s dictatorship. Eva lives with her parents and her 7 year old brother Lalalilu. She is 17 years old, very attractive and in love for the first time with Alex, son of a much hated Communist Party Officer. One day at school, Eva and Alex accidentally break a bust of Ceausescu. They get caught and are ordered to confess their guilt in a communist meeting, in front of the class. Oppressed by his father, Alex humiliates himself and is saved. Eva refuses and is dismissed from the school and transferred to a trade reformatory school. There, she meets Andrei, a rebel, a boy from a family of dissidents. He trains to escape from the country by crossing the Danube. Eva decides to escape with him. When Lalalilu witnesses their departure, he is devastated and draws the conclusion that the source of all the pain and sadness is none other than Ceausescu. Therefore, with his friends from school, Tarzan and Silvica, he devises a plan to kill the dictator so that Eva can come back and start a new life in a free Romania.

Festivals & Academy awards and others

Berlin International Film Festival 2007
Festival de Cannes 2006
Un Certain Regard (selection)

Cannes Awards 2006
Best actress (Dorotheea Petre)